Wednesday, September 13, 2006


We managed to move back into the house after some work was done. One of the worst weeks we've had the pleaseure to spend in quite sometime. Living cooped up in a one room hotel for a week with nothing to do, noise and an uncomfortable bed made us miserable and missing our home sweet home. So a friend of mine was gracious to come over and help me with our gigantor matress and afterwards over some beers we got to do some catching up. This is one of my oldest and best friends. There's a confidence between him and us since he's one of the few that has know us from before we got together and has witnessed our relationship since then, so Knottygirl dropped a subtle hint as to why she souldn't help muchy with the move, then looking at my, I nodded to her to elaborate and she told him that she had gotten pierced.

He was surprised and couldn't believe it, and at the urging of me, she showed him. He was so surprised and asked why she had doen it, and with a straight face she responded, "Because Master wanted it." He mumbled ok, not quite sure if she was pulling his leg or not. We dropped a few hints that things have changed, but wisely he didn't prod much. He kept shaking his head muttering that he never expected Knottygirl to do something like that. It was so out of place from how he thought of her. This thrilled her as she takes great delight in blowing our friends minds (MINDS people! not other things! Get your thoughts out of the gutter, SHEESH!).

He mentioned that he has discussed with his girlfriend about her getting a belly piercing to no avail. Now armed with this new information he was going to try to talk to her again about it. He said he was gonna tell her about seeing Knottygirls piercings, he said she would get a kick out of it! Hmmmm, I wonder if Knottygirl will be showing her in person?

We also discussed doig Burningman next year. We have another couple that invited us and I figured with this new invite we might have enough people together that we would feel comfrotable going. Up until now, Knottygirl has had ZERO interest in attending. So I was always faced witht he task of attend by myslef if I really wanted to go. Now she's wrangled invites for us. My how things change. She's also interested in learning Belly dancing. I'm all for it! LOL!

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